9-13 |
introduction to course |
9-20 |
Ghandi’s policy of nonviolence (Ghandi)-guest speaker Shah |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechgandhi1.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechgandhi3.html |
gandhi's non-violence |
http://www.socialchangenow.ca/mypages/gandhi.htm |
9-27 |
Speech-making:stimulating the listener (I Have a Dream) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/Ihaveadream.htm |
Reading 1 : |
Laptop Slides Into Bed in a High-Tech Love Triangle |
Reading 2 : |
In a Wired South Korea, Robots Will Be At Home |
10-4 |
Appropriating the Past (Gettysberg then and now) |
http://sex.ncu.edu.tw/members/ho/study/2006fall_Oral%20Training/reference1.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechrememberthetitans.html |
Reading 1 : |
For Migrants and the poor, Tents Must Count as Homes |
Reading 2 : |
During Pregnancy, A Silent Struggle |
10-11 |
On going to war (All Quiet on the Western Front) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechallquietonthewesternfront1.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechallquietonthewesternfront2.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechchariotsoffire1.html |
Reading 1 : |
Asking the Most Innovative Customers for Their Newest Ideas─Buyers Become Designers of Their Favorite Products |
Reading 2 : |
Being Understood In a Global Economy |
10-18 |
Divide or Unite (Elizabeth) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/jfkinaugural.htm |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechelizabeth.html |
Reading 1 : |
Revival in Japan Produces Widening Economic Gap |
Reading 2 : |
‘Da Vinci Code’ as a Brand Is Worth Billions |
10-25 |
Education (Lean On Me, Legally Blonde) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechleanonme2.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechleanonme4.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechlegallyblonde.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechmrhollandsopus.html |
Reading 1 : |
Time to Throw Out Those Tweezers |
Reading 2 : |
Kinky Fashion Celebrates Its Dominance |
11-1 |
Regret and Resolve |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechquizshow.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechransom.html |
Reading 1 : |
Speaking in (Many) Tongues Can Be a Profitable Career |
Reading 2 : |
Where the Stork Delivers Babies and Prime Parking- When walking turns to waddling, help may be welcome. Or it may be not. |
11-8 |
Mid-Term presentations |
Topic areas:death, loyalty, lies, honesty, creativity, globalization, education, non-violence, fashion, courage, prejudice |
11-15 |
Racially Delicate (To Kill a Mockingbird) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechtokillamockingbird.html |
Reading 1 : |
Yes, They Torture Jeans, but for the Sake of Fashion |
Reading 2 : |
Where the Canvas Is a Hayfield, Lawn Mowers Do the Brushwork |
Topic : |
To be wrongly accused |
11-22 |
Who’s Guilty: Trial of Nuremberg (Judgement at Nuremberg) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechjudgmentatnuremberg2.html |
11-29 |
the city and the country |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechcityhall.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechclueless.html |
Reading 1 : |
Instant Messaging Change How Business Talks |
Reading 2 : |
The Long Journey To Fill a Request For a Burger and Fries |
Topic : |
A special death |
12-6 |
Courage (Good Night and Good Luck) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechgoodnightandgoodluckmurrow.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/williamfaulknernobelprizeaddress.htm |
Reading 1 : |
The Container That Changed the World |
Reading 2 : |
When Bad Behavior Gets Good Results |
Topic : |
telling the truth寧鳴不默 |
12-13 |
Life and Death (Sanger’s birth control and King’ assassination) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/margaretsangermoralityofbirthcontrol.htm |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/robertkennedyonmartinlutherking.html |
Reading 1 : |
350 Years of Scary Lullabies, Fables and Fairy Tales |
Reading 2 : |
Extra Tight is the New Style for Designer Jeans |
Topic : |
an unlikely hero |
12-20 |
Words that Aim to Inspire (Let’s go and get them) |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechhenryV.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechhoosiersregionals.html |
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/MovieSpeeches/moviespeechindependenceday.html |
Dylan Thomas, "Do not go gentle into that good night" |
http://webpages.charter.net/classicpoetry/dtdonotgogentle.htm |
Reading 1 : |
Travel Industry Grows To Reflect Its Clientele |
Reading 2 : |
Movie Stars Look Overseas To Court Fans And Profit |
Topic : |
globalization in Taiwan |
12-27 |
Preparing for Final Presentations |
Reading 1 : |
Want One of Those Cool Chinese Tattoos? Better Call the Translator |
Reading 2 : |
Polite Behavior in New York? Like It or Not, It’s Now the Law |
Reading 3 : |
Transplanting a Business From Culture to Culture |
1-3 |
Final Presentations |